Steam bath

Our spa in Montegrotto Terme would not be complete without a steam bath. Born in the Ancient Near East, this important therapeutic custom was imported to the west. The benefits, especially if used assiduously (two or three times a week) are incredible:

      • Eliminates toxins from the skin;
      • Purifies the body;
      • Reduces the signs of cellulite;
      • Fights water retention;
      • Improves blood circulation;
      • Soothes joint pains;
      • Increases immune system reactivity;
      • Fights inflammation (for example, is indicated for people with acne);
      • decongestant effect on mucosa;
      • Antistress;
      • Stimulates the metabolism.

Its effects are so diverse that we suggest it in all the wellness plans specifically created for you in the brochure you receive at the entrance to the spa in Montegrotto Terme.

What do you need to know in order to enjoy this experience fully?

Do not enter when your digestive process has started, as soon as you get out go to one of our hydration points (herbal tea and water are waiting for you to reintegrate liquids and mineral salts), try to follow the sequence of the course you chose, and do not use aggressive soaps for the final shower.

What do you think, do you like the idea of staying at a Hotel with a Spa?

Montegrotto Terme is conveniently reached, just around the corner from Abano and we will also provide transport with our transfer service. You do not have to worry about a thing: call us and we will choose your wellness holiday together.