
Balance and Wellbeing

You will get two benefits from our ALCARELILAX PLUS weight-loss diet: restoring precious balances and starting the journey to significant weight loss.

A balanced diet is based on alkaline foods such as fruit and vegetables, whole grains, water and vegetable extracts. Our objective is to prepare a diet plan that is integrated with specific treatments and physical activity, which will help you reduce the acidic part and the toxins you accumulate in your daily lives.

We have eliminated animal fats and refined carbohydrates, replacing them with vegetable fats and favouring whole wheat, as well as organic foods with a high ORAC content (Oxygen Radicals Absorbance Capacity), which oppose aging.

the benefits of diet

Safe and healthy weight loss

Detachment from reliance on food

Feeling of lightness

Decongestion and purification of all tissues

Detox of internal organs

High energy

AlcaRelilax, Fango Vivo® and liquid diet: perfect allies!

Relilax Fango Vivo® is the essential natural element in every Relilax program.

Speeds up the metabolism: it has been proven that the vasodilation and increased oxygenation induced by the mud boosts calorie consumption.

Increases and releases beta endorphins: these give the body a feeling of psycho-physical wellness, which is an important aid in diet programs, and stronger resistance to sensations of hunger.

Increases DHEAS production(youth hormone): helps reduce age-related waistline growth.

Eliminates liquids and toxins: due to the hyper-osmolarity of water and the hyper-perspiration induced by Fango Vivo®.

BIA Test in Montegrotto Terme: the beginning of a journey

In order to start a diet, you will undergo a BIA exam (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis), which enables us to understand your body composition and in the measurement of lean and fat mass through the passage of very weak electric current that will not bring you any kind of annoyance.

It is the first step on your path to weight loss, after an interview with our dietician at our hotel in Montegrotto Terme.


Alcarelilax METHOD

The balanced AlcaRelilax diet is based on maintaining a constant balance between acidity and alkalinity in our body.

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Pacchetto Trattamenti “Mini Detox Relilax” 2025

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Pacchetto Trattamenti “Detox Relilax 2025”

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Pacchetto trattamenti “AlcaRelilax new” 2025

Il prezzo originale era: € 2.211,00.Il prezzo attuale è: € 1.879,00.
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Trattamenti “AlcaRelilax Evolution” 2025

Il prezzo originale era: € 3.849,00.Il prezzo attuale è: € 3.270,00.
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OUR offers


Contact Relilax Guest Services at the email address or call +39 049 8911755.